Code of Conduct

Updated: June 2024

Code of Practice

Shillington recognises the importance of providing quality teaching which meet the highest of standards. We are committed to providing students with an environment that fosters creativity.

We are committed to:

  • Providing the highest quality training at all times
  • Providing flexible training pathways that assist our students to achieve their educational objectives
  • Ensuring a secure and harmonious learning environment for students
  • Continually improving our reputation as a quality, international education provider
  • Valuing the differing contributions made by all who work and study within Shillington
  • Continuously reviewing and improving the quality of our services and systems

Record Keeping

Shillington keeps complete and accurate records of the admission, progress and graduation of our students, including financial records that reflect payments.

In accordance with the Privacy Amendment Act 2000, all student records are kept confidentially.

You are able to view your files upon making a written request to Shillington.

Quality Assurance

Shillington will adopt and maintain a quality assurance system for managing and monitoring all education and training operations and for reviewing client and staff satisfaction.

Course Evaluation

To enable us to continually improve our course content and delivery, we request that you complete a course evaluations at regular points throughout the course. This information is confidential.

Student Code of Conduct

By enrolling at Shillington, you agree to abide by the Shillington Code of Conduct and to observe the rules, policies and procedures of Shillington.

The Shillington Student Code of Conduct requires you to adhere to the following at all times:

Attendance and Learning

  • Actively participate in the learning process at Shillington
  • Respect the collaborative nature of the Shillington environment
  • Attend all timetabled classes and arrive at all online classes on time
  • Never allow your number of absences to exceed 9 (Part-Time) or 4 (Full-Time) classes throughout the course
  • Have access to a computer, preferably a Mac, throughout the course. PC users are also welcome, but please be aware of potential differences in software interfaces if using a PC
  • This computer will need to have the Adobe Creative Suite installed, as well as Figma software. In addition, students will also be required to have a high-speed connection
  • In Part-Time, dedicate at least 6 hours of your own time for homework each week
  • In Full-Time, dedicate at least 3.5 hours of your own time for async work each day
  • Complete and pass all assessment tasks including quizzes and student reviews

Absence Process

  • Ensure you notify the teaching team of any upcoming absence dates or lateness in the #absence-channel
  • Only if your absence is of a personal nature, you need to email
  • Being late to class is not acceptable. Students arriving up to 15 minutes late (after a class has begun) are marked as absent for half a day/night. If students are late by 15 minutes or more, they will be marked as absent for the entire day/night
  • If students are absent due to illness, a Dr's Certificate/Note is required:
    • Any long-term sickness (exceeding 4 days/9 nights) needs discussion with the Experience team or Director
  • No DMs will be accepted for private matters related to absence. Email your Experience Team member in advance of the class starting at
  • Absences due to religious observation are not marked as an absence. Students need to inform teachers in the #absence-channel
  • Students will be placed on probation (2 weeks is an ideal amount of time) when reaching the limit, which could lead to academic termination
  • Students are expected to catch up in their own time if missing class for any reason. The content is provided before every class via #todays-brief on Slack
  • Students are welcome to submit requests to the Experience Team for a change in timezone/stream, provided that a minimum notice of 1 month is given. In addition:
    • Temporary transfers are dependent upon availability within the desired class.
    • Approval for such transfers will be granted if the requested days of transfer extend beyond 3 class days but do not surpass 9 class days in total

Catching Up on Missed Work


  • Before every class, your teachers will gather all the important class information and drop it into the #todays-brief channel on Slack
  • If you happen to miss a session – you will find everything you need there
  • Use Slack to connect with your classmates to fill in any gaps from your missed class. Do not DM teaching team

Canvas Dates:

  • Keep an eye on Canvas for any essential dates – especially when homework is due

You're in Charge:

  • Remember, if you miss class, it's up to you to catch up
  • Be proactive and check the #todays-brief channel to ensure you have the work you need

Do we record class?

  • Although we don't record live sessions, we have specific video content on Canvas for situations like absences or extra practice
  • These videos don't replace the live class experience. They're an extra resource, not a substitute
  • If a student does miss a class, it is their responsibility to check #todays-brief on Slack for any updates or materials they might have missed
  • Collaborate with classmates to fill in any gaps in your own time

Attendance is not the issue. Missing course content is:

  • The course is, by nature, very condensed. One day/night off can put you behind

Information and Communication

  • Inform yourself of all Shillington rules, policies and procedures
  • Ensure that you keep Shillington updated with your contact details
  • Ensure that you read all emails sent by Shillington
  • Respect the privacy of others concerning their personal information and private information shared while at Shillington, and comply with privacy legislation

Behaviour and Safety of Others

  • Behave honestly with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and Shillington policies
  • Do not engage in profanity, swearing, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct, or actions involving a breach of copyright; you must acknowledge the ideas, materials, concepts, processes, and practices of others that you have used, borrowed, or developed in your work
  • Treat others equally and with courtesy and respect, free from all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and bullying
  • Not participate in any Shillington activity under the influence of alcohol or a prohibited substance
  • Use and care for all resources of Shillington or of others, when engaged in a Shillington-related activity, lawfully and ethically
  • Comply with security and access requirements at Shillington
  • Comply with any reasonable direction or request from a Shillington staff member, where the direction or request supports safety, good order, and compliance with Shillington policy


  • Ensure that your actions as a student do not harm, or bring into disrepute, Shillington’s reputation or good standing
  • Not use Shillington’s name, reputation, logo or resources for the private gain of a third party, or private business or commercial purposes, without prior permission